Monday 26 November 2012

hi well abby just said "should i try being normal until morning tea " and now she said"i like marmite slirp slirp slirp" what a strange girl

Sunday 25 November 2012

my fave TV shows 

 pretty little liers 
Burn notice 

all of these shows are on tv and they are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

new topic

ok i know i have not done a topic in age but this weeks topic is about "wierd comments"............................. the first one is already posted.  

poo sandwich

hi i'm eating a poo sandwich. The texture and flavors are sensational

Monday 19 November 2012

hi leah i love your blog when are you going to change it again i need some tips?

Wednesday 7 November 2012
kizi is a fun website with lots of cool games!


Sleeping at a sleepover is probably the hardest thing to do at a sleepover because your exited about the next day and you are thinking about the things that you are going to do.
so what you should do is dance or paint nails until you are all pooped out. 

boys sleepovers

ok i think i found out the boys point of view of a "sleepover". sleepovers for boys equals video games, energy drinks and going to sleep at 6am so i think the girls sleepover sound WAY better!

ok this weeks topic is "sleepovers" now everyone loves sleepovers the late nights yum food and secrets thats if your a girl of course but what are boy
sleepovers like................

Tuesday 6 November 2012

this is a awesome site were you can see and talk to your friends online.
Hi im leah and this blog is about anything it one week i might be looking at the twilight saga and  another salt and viniger chips its really up to what i like that week. So my blog has started NOW! ; )

Saturday 7 July 2012           i love roly poly land its a little like club penguin witch is cool to 
We love to dance! This is Twix and Lista dancing to: thats what makes you beautiful by one direction.
Lista was eating some gum when we were filming  and at one point when we are dancing, the gum falls out of her mouth and she starts laughing, we hope you enjoy our dance and we hope to see you in our next post! :D

Tuesday 3 July 2012


have a nice day everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday 1 July 2012

Things to look forward to :
 Furious at the 4 Square.
Fright in the night.
Maggie Miss Clumsy.

Hope you will love all the sketchs :D

Clam Club was formed on the 2/7/12. On this day 3 friends nicknamed Twix, Maggie and Lista wanted to make a webshow. We called our club/show Clam Club because we all love clams and it was a catchy name. We had no idea our fantasy would become a reality! Now we will be posting funny,dramatic and imformitive videos,pictures and writing. Watch out for amazing facts like what happens when a beaver mixs with a racoon you get a bevcoon!